
Showing posts from December, 2021

♡The Holidays ♡

I have a love-hate relationship for Christmas. When I was younger it was my favorite holiday, not only because of the gifts, but because I would get to spend time with my whole family. My mom's side would all gather on Christmas eve and open presents. This consisted of my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandma, but back then we would always have gatherings like that so maybe I didn't appreciate it as much. My uncle would always buy me these big life-size stuffed animal dogs, which I loved, but on the other hand, my mother very much disliked them. I miss those times. When my mom's side of the family didn't all live in Texas. When my grandma was still alive. She was the one that kept us all connected. After her life ended, so did our family gatherings. On Christmas day my brother and I would open our parent's gifts and then head to my Dad's side's Christmas. This was at my grandparent's house, with my two uncles and grandparents. The energy was always so high