♡ First Post ♡

    Hello and welcome to my very first blog post! My name is Kiersten and I am a Freshman majoring in Marketing. I'd say starting college again is a very bittersweet feeling. I am very excited to start this new stage in my life, but I do have some doubts about my academic abilities. Ever since the First grade, when my teacher asked me to answer a question to which I replied "I don't know, I'm stupid.", I have always carried around this sense of self-doubt. Since then I have worked on my confidence, but there will always be this lingering fear of inadequacy. I guess that is my main concern about college. What if I don't use words that are smart enough? What if I'm not able to keep up? What if I fail all my classes and waste my parent's money?"." What if ?"."What if" seems to be the root of most of my internal conflicts. So I've decided that in this new chapter of my life, I'm going to be turning those "What if?" 's into a more positive light. Rather than "What if everyone in the class thinks I'm stupid for the question I want to ask?" I'll say "What if the professor says "excellent question!"?"    

  Though "What if?" has caused me to miss a lot of opportunities, I will admit it has also saved me on several occasions. Last year I attended Indiana State University as a Freshman, and it was not a very good experience. In my first two weeks of living on campus, two hours away from my home during a global pandemic, you can imagine how many people wanted to talk to me. None! Everyone was keeping their distance, and I have never felt more alone in my life. I would drive around Terra Haute looking for any type of familiarity to bring me comfort, to ultimately give up crying and buying from a local cracker barrel; To which I ate alone in my dorm. I knew my mental health was already declining, so one night I decided to call my dad to ask to come home. To my surprise, he was more understanding than I had anticipated. So here I am, at Purdue Northwest, 30 minutes away from my house. I'm not proud of how quickly I decided to leave ISU, but so many good things came from me coming back home. I would not be the same person I am today, and most importantly, I get to come home to my cat waiting for me in my room at the end of every day. 

     I know a lot of students, including myself, dread taking Purdue's required courses; But, I'd say I'm somewhat enthusiastic about this class. Although I may not have the most amazing vocabulary or even enough confidence to claim that my writing is "college-level", I have so much to say. I love sharing my opinions and innermost thoughts, especially the ones I'm passionate about. I think that's the beauty of our English language, and that is the expression. So I hope you enjoy the most inner thoughts of a broke college student because I have so much more to share with you.      


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