♡ Time is Fleeting ♡

 I don’t know what it is, but time seems to be moving so quickly. It feels like as each year goes by it speeds up even faster. I’m always afraid that I’m not enjoying the time I have being young, it feels like I’m already being weighed down by responsibility. I know that now is the least amount of responsibility I’ll ever have as an adult, but life already feels like a chore and not something enjoyable most times. I mean, it might just be the weather change, seasonal depression hits me very hard. But still, I had a ton of energy and motivation when this school year started, I told myself I’d make so many new friends, I’d be super involved with a club or even create a band, but now 8 weeks later I haven’t accomplished a single one of those things. I still want to do them, but it just feels impossible. School and work make it difficult to have motivation to actually do the things I enjoy. If I actually didn’t despise my job I started two months ago, maybe I’d be a little happier. I don’t really agree morally with what they want me to do, and It really frustrates me that no matter how hard I try, they always make it seem like I’m not doing enough. They want me to connect with a guest but also push them to sign up for a credit card and donate to research all in one quick conversation. All I get told everyday are ways to be better or that I need to do better. It doesn’t help how I’ve been feeling lately. So why waste my youth at a job that will never appreciate me, or makes me work until 12am on fridays, the day most of my assignments are due. I don’t know if I’m just being entitled or lazy. I feel bad for feeling this way to be honest, everyone else does it, so how am I so special to not? I was always told throughout my time in school that my job is to be a student, so why am I expected to have two jobs. All I know is that I feel like I’m wasting my time being young, I just want to have fun while I don’t have to much on my shoulders. I think I’m going to change some things in my life, but for now, time is fleeting. 


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