♡ Ouchie :( ♡

 Today was not the best day. I had to go to the emergency room for lower abdominal pain, my mom's a nurse so she was worried it was appendicitis. I went in at 2 and stayed there until about 8 o'clock. It has been the longest day of my life, to be honest. I have really bad anxiety about all medical things so this was my own personal hell. I had to do multiple tests and such along with many injections for them. The whole time I was shaking like a chihuahua. Every time I met a new medical professional, they would always ask If I needed a blanket on top of all my other blankets. I think the scariest part was the C.A.T scan. The last time I had been to the emergency room was first grade, so it was pretty anxiety-inducing to be there as an adult. After multiple tests, they came to the conclusion that it wasn't appendicitis, but my PCOS. This has never happened before in the many years I have been diagnosed with this, but I guess I might have cysts now so that's great. After spending all that time at the hospital in pain, and two shots of morphine, they just sent me home like that and said to just take Tylenol extra strength. At first, I was upset that they didn't prescribe anything for the pain, I went to the emergency room for it for crying out loud. But, my mom explained that I would just have to see my specialist tomorrow.  I still don't feel good at all and have been attempting to do my school work while continuously dosing off as a result of the morphine. I'm just really worried about my speech. I was supposed to work on it after I got home from work, but that didn't happen. I am a horrible procrastinator, which is something I've been trying to work on lately, but with all of the current events, it's hard not to. I just hope this post makes sense and isn't too boring or too much information, but honestly, it's the only significant thing that has happened to me this week and it's hard to not think about it while I still have the constant pain. I hope everyone had a way better day than me!


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