♡ Con Alt Delete ♡

 I'm gonna be honest, the only thing that has been keeping me going has been looking forward to Con Alt Delete in December. If you don't know what that is, It's a big anime convention that takes place every winter. This is my second time going to a big convention so I'm pretty excited since my last one in the summer was super fun. This time my friends and I are going to rent a hotel room and stay the whole weekend! I have also been working on my costumes, or cosplays, ever since last month. I'm going as my two favorite anime characters, Tohru from Miss Koboyashi's Dragon Maid and Nagatoro from Don't Toy With me Miss Nagatoro. So far, my Torhu cosplay is almost done except for some needed tailoring, but my Nagatoro one is still a work in progress. I've been trying to stay cost-effective with all of my smaller items pertaining to each costume but it's hard when a lot of the costume is very specific and hard to thrift. For the main bodysuit for the Nagatoro cosplay, I commissioned a girl from Etsy to make a custom latex suit. I am the most excited about the latex suit because I spent a lot of money on it for it to be perfect for my measurements. That's mainly why I'm trying to spend less money on everything else, the latex leotard is the focal point of the outfit! I know the event date will be here before I know it, but I just can't wait. Especially since I'm pretty sure the version of Nagatoro I'm cosplaying has never been done before. I'm not sure I'll still be in English 104 after the convention, so I might not be able to tell you all how it goes, but It will most likely be amazing. I'll also attach photos of the characters and their outfits!


  1. I love nagatoro!!! have fun and stay safe at the con :))) - mia (it doesn't always show my email)

  2. Your costume will be amazing! You have such style! I'm glad you have an eye on a joyful event to inspire you! My nieces and nephews are WAY into anime! I need to learn more, starting with, (I'm told), Attack on Titans. Any other recs? Thanks for sharing, Kiersten!

    1. Thank you so much! I definitely recommend giving Saiki k a watch, Attack on Titans is a bit dark for me but I have heard it's interesting, I prefer comedies a lot more!


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