
Showing posts from September, 2021

♡ Slice of Life ♡

      Recently I've wanted to be a part of a band, which now I realized after searching for one, is harder than I thought it would be. So, I've decided I'm going to make one myself! I'm planning on making poster and a sign this week to help more people sign up, and PNW is the perfect place to set up at a table! I've always loved the idea of being a part of a band, but never pursued the idea. I decided that since I'm in college now, I won't limit myself since this is a time of self-discovery and being young and having fun. I do play a little guitar and ukulele, but I'm not amazing at the guitar. I'm more into singing and writing songs, so that would be my role in the group, along with the advertising and leader. Since I want it to be a rock band, I'll have those who sign up an audition for pianist, guitarist, bass guitar, and drummer. I'm open to other instruments but those are the main positions that need to be filled. I hope I'm able to

♡ 2021 ♡

      Today was a beautiful day, so me and Gabby decided to go to a local coffee shop and get some work done. When we arrived in the vicinity of the shop, we were met with a giant anti-masker protest. I haven't seen one in real life before, but so many feelings flooded my mind when I saw this scene. Not only was there not a spot to park for anyone who was actual customers, but none of them with masks. I felt a mix of fear and anger along with an overwhelming sense of frustration. Why? How did this happen? What happened to logic? I'm so scared for the future. A future where In my 30's still wearing a mask to work for the job I'm working towards now. A future where I send my kids off to school with mask. All because of these selfish, ignorant people. I tear up with frustration when I try to think of ways to change these people's minds, because there is no way to. No amount of logic or facts can change these people's minds and I think that's what scares me the

♡ Microtheme Drafting is HARD ♡

      Do you remember when I said that writing a microtheme was easy?  Well, I was wrong. My paper had quite some flaws. I'm a huge perfectionist so I'm determined to fix every single one of the errors. I was told that my paper was a bit wordy and sounded a bit too much like a research paper, which I agree with. It's hard to write more freely when all of my life I've been told to support my claims and use the highest vocabulary. Nevertheless, I do enjoy a challenge when it comes to writing. I ended up deleting most of my unnecessary intro and stepping my vocabulary down a bit. My goal is to get at least an A on it. I enjoy the openness of college, though there is somewhat of a certain format to this type of writing, I no longer feel like my mind is in a box. At this point in my writing though, I have no idea what else to say. Deleting as much as I did left me with a little bit more than half a page. I know I need a whole page but at the same time don't want to put u

♡ Microtheme Drafting Reflection ♡

    When I was first assigned this paper, I didn't think It would be very difficult. I was given multiple samples of past student's papers and even got to see one before and after Its revising. To be honest, It did end up being pretty easy for me. Anytime I'm given examples in anything really, I usually thrive in the task given. There may be minor flaws in my paper, but I am very confident. I am a little nervous though.  Usually, when I feel this good about a writing assignment I end up getting an average grade, which you could imagine is very disheartening. Though, I wasn't super passionate about my topic. It was something that changed my views, but I had never been in the shoes of someone that has struggled, so it's hard to pinpoint the exact emotions of those who are bullied for not being able to afford a certain phone. What I am passionate about is changing other people's views on it, and help those who also don't understand the struggle by using facts a