♡ 2021 ♡

     Today was a beautiful day, so me and Gabby decided to go to a local coffee shop and get some work done. When we arrived in the vicinity of the shop, we were met with a giant anti-masker protest. I haven't seen one in real life before, but so many feelings flooded my mind when I saw this scene. Not only was there not a spot to park for anyone who was actual customers, but none of them with masks. I felt a mix of fear and anger along with an overwhelming sense of frustration. Why? How did this happen? What happened to logic? I'm so scared for the future. A future where In my 30's still wearing a mask to work for the job I'm working towards now. A future where I send my kids off to school with mask. All because of these selfish, ignorant people. I tear up with frustration when I try to think of ways to change these people's minds, because there is no way to. No amount of logic or facts can change these people's minds and I think that's what scares me the most. How long will this virus last? If no one gets vaccinated and no one wears maks what will happen? Nothing will ever be the same. As I'm writing this the honks of passing cars are distracting me. Each honk sinks me deeper and deeper in my seat. Each honk is a supporter of this behavior, and god there are so many honks. I'm so scared. Scared for my parents and grandparents. When we left the coffee shop after doing our work to go shopping, the protestors started screaming at us and trying to ridicule us for wearing masks. Two even came up to me and her filming us saying that we were filming them because I sent a snapchat of the protest to my friend, trying to provoke us to do something on film. I hope one day things are better than they are now... 


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