♡ Slice of Life ♡

     Recently I've wanted to be a part of a band, which now I realized after searching for one, is harder than I thought it would be. So, I've decided I'm going to make one myself! I'm planning on making poster and a sign this week to help more people sign up, and PNW is the perfect place to set up at a table! I've always loved the idea of being a part of a band, but never pursued the idea. I decided that since I'm in college now, I won't limit myself since this is a time of self-discovery and being young and having fun. I do play a little guitar and ukulele, but I'm not amazing at the guitar. I'm more into singing and writing songs, so that would be my role in the group, along with the advertising and leader. Since I want it to be a rock band, I'll have those who sign up an audition for pianist, guitarist, bass guitar, and drummer. I'm open to other instruments but those are the main positions that need to be filled. I hope I'm able to find band members who are willing to put in the practice and want to have a lot of fun! 

Not only do I want to start a band this upcoming week, but I already decided to change my major. Everyone said it would happen at least once but I didn't think it would happen so soon. My old major was Marketing and my minor was Sociology, but now I'm majoring in Advertising and minoring in Graphic Design. You wouldn't think that Marketing and Advertising were too different, but the difference is huge. I realized this when I found out that Marketing was mostly numbers and statistics, while advertising is more creative and hands-on. I'm glad I didn't get too far into my old major because marketing and advertising are surprisingly in two different colleges. The course plan for advertising also looks like it connects to what truly interests me, so I'm pretty excited! I can't wait to see what's to come! 


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