♡ Microtheme Drafting is HARD ♡

     Do you remember when I said that writing a microtheme was easy?  Well, I was wrong. My paper had quite some flaws. I'm a huge perfectionist so I'm determined to fix every single one of the errors. I was told that my paper was a bit wordy and sounded a bit too much like a research paper, which I agree with. It's hard to write more freely when all of my life I've been told to support my claims and use the highest vocabulary. Nevertheless, I do enjoy a challenge when it comes to writing. I ended up deleting most of my unnecessary intro and stepping my vocabulary down a bit. My goal is to get at least an A on it. I enjoy the openness of college, though there is somewhat of a certain format to this type of writing, I no longer feel like my mind is in a box. At this point in my writing though, I have no idea what else to say. Deleting as much as I did left me with a little bit more than half a page. I know I need a whole page but at the same time don't want to put unnecessary text. I feel like in the amount I've written, I already got my point across. I was told that my paper the way it was would have most likely gotten a good grade, but I'm ready to leave my phase of just trying to pass. I want to try my best because unlike high school, I chose to go to college. So hopefully, this last draft will be perfect! 


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