♡ Microtheme Drafting Reflection ♡

    When I was first assigned this paper, I didn't think It would be very difficult. I was given multiple samples of past student's papers and even got to see one before and after Its revising. To be honest, It did end up being pretty easy for me. Anytime I'm given examples in anything really, I usually thrive in the task given. There may be minor flaws in my paper, but I am very confident. I am a little nervous though.  Usually, when I feel this good about a writing assignment I end up getting an average grade, which you could imagine is very disheartening. Though, I wasn't super passionate about my topic. It was something that changed my views, but I had never been in the shoes of someone that has struggled, so it's hard to pinpoint the exact emotions of those who are bullied for not being able to afford a certain phone. What I am passionate about is changing other people's views on it, and help those who also don't understand the struggle by using facts and logic. Since this paper is a Microtheme, I can't use supporting evidence, but I really wish I could. It was hard to not support my claims since that's all we were taught to do in high school. 


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